Thursday, 12 February 2015

Secrets from Rapunzel

This is the Flower of Life. It is the most significant of all the symbols in sacred geometry. Encoded within it is the blueprint for all creation. Sacred Geometry is a universal language which allows us to access ancient knowledge contained in our cellular memory. It enables us to understand wisdom from cultures that have left earth long ago. It is the key to understanding the nature and value of color and sound. It facilitates communication with beings from other worlds and dimensions. The Flower of Life symbol can be found in various locations around the planet. No one knows for sure how old this symbol really is.

The constellation shown represents Aquarius, because many believe we are entering the Age of Aquarius. Nobody really know when it will happen, some peoples believe it began in 2012. "The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Freedom, Technology (especially electricity), and the Water Bearer."
Scientists today confirmed the galactic alignment as the Maya predicted, "There's no question that one of the great cycles of the traditional ancient Mayan calendar comes to a completion of its count at that time in 2012,"says E.C. Krupp, Ph.D., director of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California.

The word Peace,



The Feather represents Balance

The spiral. Ancient people could recognize that the stars overhead spun around a central point every night, and today we know we reside within a spiral galaxy. Thus, the spiral can be a symbol of the universe and our place within it and of the great cycles that constantly advance within this universe.